My sister has a unique outgoing message on her voicemail system. On it, she says:
"Hi this is Julie. At the tone, please do a dance."
Last night, she was telling me about a unique message that was left on her voicemail system from GoDaddy. Julie has a website that is hosted by GoDaddy and a CSR called her a couple days ago to check in on her to see if she had any questions or concerns with their service. Pretty nice customer service, right? But here's the kicker: the CSR left the best message for Julie. He said:
"Do-do-do-do-do-do....Oh, sorry, I was just dancing. Hi Julie this is [I forget his name] from We just want to check in and see if you have any questions...."
Julie played it for me yesterday. The CSR actually sang to her on the message. Not creepily, but in a fun way. He made a personal connection with Julie. After she played the message for me, I asked her, "From now on, when you have to host a website, where will you go?"
Of course, she replied, "GoDaddy".
Even when I asked her if the cost was twice or three times more expensive than another service, she replied that she would go to GoDaddy. That company has always provided great customer service and this episode shows that the tradition continues.
What a great marketing tool by GoDaddy: great employees. By investing in people with personalities and encouraging them to take their time on a call (as opposed to a company like Sprint who has a company-wide policy of getting each call to hang up before seven minutes), they not only manage to keep their valuable existing customer-base, but also find countless new customers. Think about it: Julie told me about the message, and now you're reading about it on a syndicated blog. I'm sure she told more people about this unique message and provided a personal referral. For free.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
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